Lazy Bracelets

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 0

I am so bad at blogging. Here are some bracelets I made last night. Maybe I'll post a tutorial? They're really easy although I haven't figured out a nice way to finish the hemp ones, as you'll see.

Katie Eats Lunch

Thursday, August 9, 2012 Category : 0

There is nothing I hate more than making my lunch every day. This week I have been making this wrap. It is super easy and tasty.

I start off with a whole grain tortilla. I then spread a thin layer of light cream cheese on it.

Next comes the turkey...

And the spinach and onions...

And I like topping it off with a little bit of barbecue sauce!

Now just roll that bad boy up! To keep mine tight until lunchtime I wrap mine tightly in cling wrap, although it is sometimes a trick getting it OUT of the wrap. There are a bunch of ways you can change this. I imagine corn and tomatoes would be quite good in there as well, but you can only shove so much food into a wrap.

An exercise in patience

Thursday, July 26, 2012 0

I do not know how to embroider. Starting a post like that is a good sign, right?

I do not know how to embroider, so I thought I'd try anyway. There are a few things I want for Jak's walls and I know I wanted some sugar skull patterns in the mix so I figured I'd attempt to do a little embroidery.

It turned out alright.

At one point in time, I did accidentally stab the needle all the way to my knuckle. That was quite painful.

It's quite small, just barely 3.5". I didn't want to start out too large. It looks cute hanging on the wall with my random assortment of things I have. Now if only I could find more things I want for Jak's room.

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